
Wot girl und panzer mod
Wot girl und panzer mod

wot girl und panzer mod

The Chick: Yuuki - Talks about her ex quite a bit and is the most enthusiastic about receiving relationship advice from Saori-senpai, who is the communication officer for the squadron's commander.The Team: The only Ōarai crew besides Anglerfish which has 5 or more members, and their roles somewhat:.The Chick: Their symbol is a pink bunny holding a pair of knives.In the movie, they attempt the same tactic against Nonna's IS-2 that they performed against kuromorimine's jagdtiger.Miho luckily manages to Take a Third Option and brings them a towline to carry them across until they get their engine working again. In Episode 11, while everyone is trying to cross a river, the engine stalls halfway across, forcing Miho to choose once again whether to sacrifice her comrades (and potentially risk their lives) for the sake of victory.In Episode 7, they find the Tiger(P), but they get lost first.(After this, the enemy tanks' armor and firepower rapidly increase, so that was their last chance to get a conventional kill). They also made the correct fire distribution decision when engaging Saunder's "Charlie" and "Dog" tanks, but it is nullified because they missed the other tank. In Episode 5, they demonstrate reasonable basic skills in reconnaissance for their first try, but fall victim to Alisa's radio-interception (and also Alisa's skill in coordinating the movements of the two converging platoons).In OVA 2, their attempt to sneak in dinner a little early turns into a conflagration.


In Episode 3, they try to run, but their track happens to be on a slick patch - this is on a ship where even a wooden suspension bridge is specifically covered with steel plate for tank usage and tough enough to take direct shell hits - causing the track to get stuck and snap.Butt-Monkey: They get more than their share of bad luck.The Kuromorimine match proves the "badass" part of Badass Adorable). Badass Adorable: While all the girls in this show (particularly the Ōarai squadettes) certainly fit the bill, special mention goes to the Rabbit girls for leaning more on the "adorable" part.

Wot girl und panzer mod